What is a health coach?  What do they do?

  • A partner in helping you achieve your health and lifestyle goals
  • Focus on the present and the future
  • I facilitate behaviour change
  • I provide an accountability platform
  • I can provide some tools to help with implementing changes, tracking progress and measuring results
  • I may work alongside other practitioners to assist you in making changes and reaching your goals

What is a health coach not? What do they not do?

  • I am not a medically trained professional
  • I cannot prescribe drugs or make referrals
  • I am not a therapist or counsellor
  • I am not a registered dietician or nutritionist (although nutrition is my focus area of interest)
  • I am not a personal trainer
  • I do not tell you what to do
  • I cannot make the lifestyle changes for you

What are my expectations of a client?

  • Turn up
  • Be honest with me and yourself
  • Be ready to make changes

What does a health coaching package look like?

  • 15-20 minute Pre Engagement Session where we will check if we are the right fit for each other, ascertain broad goals, where you sit in the cycle of change and agree which package will be best for your needs
  • Lifestyle questionnaire will be sent out for completion prior to us beginning our sessions
  • 60 minute Discovery Session where we will start to build our relationship, set goals, define rules and expectations from each party, review lifestyle questionnaire and take base measurements if required.
  • 45 minute Coaching Sessions where we will begin your journey to change, check on progress and celebrate your successes. (number of sessions will depend on package)