No matter where you are or what else you have going on in your life, I can help you get the best out of yourself.

Goal setting session:

A two hour session where we can discuss long or short term goals, refine and prioritize them and set a broad strategy for achieving them.

Transformation Packages:

These packages will take you on a journey, from identifying goals, taking the first steps to making changes, and working on strategies to reach your goals.  This is done through a series of one on one sessions where we can meet in person or online to talk through these strategies and set accountability goals for each session as needed.

  • One month: Includes a Discovery Session, two one on one sessions and weekly check ins by email, text or phone.                                                                                                                
  • Three Months: Includes a Discovery Session, monthly one on one sessions, and weekly check in by email, text or phone.
  • Six Months: Includes a Discovery Session, monthly one on one sessions, unlimited email or text check ins and a weekly phone check in.

Fridge Audit:

A one hour session where I will visit your home and audit the contents of your fridge and/or pantry to identify where changes could be made.  This is a great way to find where less nutritional ingredients are hiding, even when you think you have bought a pantry load of healthy foods.

Shopping educational trip:

A half hour planning session online where we will complete a shopping list, followed by a two hour session where I will accompany you to the supermarket and teach you how to decipher food labels, where to find the most nutrient dense foods and how to ensure successful shopping trips in future.  (only available in Christchurch, NZ).

Gift Vouchers:

Give someone the gift of wellness.  Buy any of the above offerings and I will send you a personalized e-voucher that your special recipient can redeem within 12 months of purchase.