My story

This is my story, my journey.

Although I’m quite shy by nature, I’ve always been drawn to people and have spent most of my working life in the hospitality industry.  Whilst in customer facing roles, I found this an extremely rewarding career.  Being able to offer assistance and be of service to people and have a direct impact on the quality of their experience in a hotel was fulfilling and enjoyable, even when it was challenging.

About ten years ago I moved out of the customer facing realm and into corporate roles.  Over the years, the continued pressure to perform in the commercial departments, with less emphasis on guest experience, slowly drained the passion from my veins and left me questioning my purpose in life.

During this time, I also became a parent and as is so often the case with women, I feel like I lost a bit of my sense of self, becoming known as Mama, or Jamie and Hannah’s Mum and no longer a person in my own right.

A point came when I needed to have a good look within myself and I had to decide if I could continue on like this for another 20 years or if now was the time to make a change and find my purpose again.  I realized that I was quite miserable so I was going to have to push myself to make change before the situation became unbearable.

Fate took over a bit then and I was lucky enough to be introduced to an inspirational career coach who helped me realize that the most important thing for me is to be able to help people.  She assisted me in looking at how I could transfer the specific skills I had gained in hospitality management to helping people live a healthier, happier life.

I had always had an interest in nutrition, alternative therapies, health and fitness so I undertook study and training as a health coach.  This solidified my own conviction that lifestyle choices play such a huge part in our overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally and gave me the skills to share this knowledge with others.

So here I am.  I’m now happy to be able to support others as they seek to make meaningful, sustainable changes to their lifestyle.  It would be my pleasure to help you on your journey to wellness.  Feel free to contact me for a quick chat about how this could look for you.