I had the privilege of 6 weeks of coaching with Kirsten. I wanted to work on my health and wellbeing, mostly diet health and sleep. I was stuck in bad habits’ and unmotivated. Something was holding me back and I didn’t know why. I always looked forward to my sessions with Kirsten as she made me feel comfortable and non-judgmental. Kirsten worked with me to put together strategies to make the changes I needed. It felt good and right to put myself first. I have carried on with all my good habits and I am so happy and contented with how my life is going. I can’t thank Kirsten enough for everything she has done for me.



It’s amazing how one small step can have such an impact on one’s life!

Six weeks ago, I decided to make contact with Kirsten because I felt though life was going well, there were some repetitive actions I was doing that were not working for me.  Exactly what, I wasn’t sure, but I knew for the effort I was putting in, I was not feeling the reward.  The idea of a health coach was new to me.  As you read on, I hope you see the incredible value this has had for me and could for you too.

Kirsten from first contact was professional and relatable.  I felt she had my best interests at the forefront.

Our first meeting created quite a bit of reflection on my current habits.  One in particular – I had the ability to stand in front of the pantry and consume far more food than hunger or nurturing myself required.  I thought I might be heading for a few serious talks on what ‘I should do’ and why I couldn’t control my own behaviour.  How wrong I was!

What I actually signed myself up to was six weeks of learning about myself.  What self-care could look like, what will power – what you are willing to do and will feel rewarded by – a concept I never thought of in quite Kirsten’s way before.  A health coach is a positive experience.

Kirsten helped turn a dark shadow, a guilty secret, and self-sabotage into self-care, free of cost, a time of the week I look forward to.  That’s positive living!  What an outcome.  What’s more, the skills transfer into so many other part of my life.

We worked through the issue and triggers without guilt.  We put flexible strategies in place, and ways to reflect and revise so that changes to life do not derail this new positive process.

My wish was of getting balance, however I also gained personal empowerment and a feeling of achievement that lives on.

We take our care for WOF, want the best for our children.  Sometimes we too can do with some confidential self-aligning.  What a difference it can make to the energy in our lives.

One message to make contact and one appointment to “test the waters” was an action I’m so pleased I took.  I hope you do too xx

From a healthier me
